Here it finally is. After all this time, I hope the wait was worth it. Enjoy!
This blog's purpose is to document my journey throughout my Aice Media Studies.
Tuesday, April 2, 2024
Creative Critical Reflection
One Last Chat (and my Works Cited!)
Hey everyone. It's over. After 8 LONG and tireless weeks, it's finally over. Every component of my Cambridge Portfolio Project has been completed. I wanted to take this post to look back on LifeLine's creation, and to talk about any changed or notable moments.
But first! I used quite a bit of copyright free sounds in both my film and CCRs. Although it's not required, I still wanted to cite everything that I used. Here it all is!
First music track in LifeLine
Voice of LandLine
Landline's ringing
Landline being put down
Landline being slammed down
AC Noise
Heart Beat
Hopeful Music
Bird Chirps
I want to thank every single creator that aided in the creation of these audio clips. Without you all, LifeLine's audio wouldn't be near the current quality it is now. Thank you all so much!
As for my reflection, it's a bit difficult. This project was such a massive undertaking that it is difficult to reflect upon one specific thing. The first thing that comes to mind is the conception of the story of LifeLine as a whole.
It's kind of funny, but I always knew what plot I wanted my film to have since the first day the project was announced. I've always wanted it to revolve around themes of loneliness, emotion, and depression. What's comedic is that at first, I was just projecting. I've had some struggles with mental health in the past and present day, and although it wasn't nowhere near as bad as Theo's condition (who has an alcohol issue and takes medication), I still had problems connecting with others at times. What I find truly poetic is that the characters and story of LifeLine have helped me so much.
I've always had a creative side, but creating characters and planning out their backstories and plot significance allowed my creative prowess to truly shine! In addition to this, I learned a great deal about film genre and drama in general thanks to my research for this film. I learned so much information and was able to show off my skills thanks to this project! Every day, new ideas would pop into my head that would allow myself to express my creativity further. Things such as Bakari's ID, the Light Equals Hope scene, or the entirety of the written music for the film was written on a whim. Those ideas just came to me and I thought they were neat, so I created them! I would've never known that I could work with Canva to create amazing props or that I could somewhat create music without LifeLine. This singular film helped me pick up so many new skills that I cannot wait for my next project!
What I find interesting is that originally, LifeLine wasn't going to have such a hopeful ending as it does now. I just intended for Theo to be sad, and alone. But after doing research, I learned that depression shouldn't and doesn't work that way. Theodore, although broken, is a character with resolve and who cares about his friends. His friends are fountains of positivity, and their happiness is his motivation to keep going and to put himself out there. Halfway through film production, I started to see myself in Theo. I have people behind me, just in the production of this film, I got to catch up with so many friends and amazing people. Theodore's character showed me that my friends and family are soul, and their constant positivity and encouragement are my strength! Theo's personality genuinely helped me and heavily improved my mental state, and I am eternally grateful to this film for helping me see all the amazing things I have going for me.
The hardest but best part about this project were definitely the CCRs. They had to be created amid spring break, which was a really busy time for me. Despite that, I'm so glad with what I was able to create! I genuinely think both CCRs are really well made, and I poured tons of creativity and effort into them.
As a closing statement, I wanted to thank everyone. I want to thank all the creators who made assets used in LifeLine. I want to thank my Aice Media teacher, Mrs. Stoklosa, for constantly being available for advice and being a fountain of wonderful ideas. I want to thank all my friends who were able to critique my film or help with production, and I want to thank my prop designer, Luna, for helping out with a large chunk of prop production. Lastly, I wanted to thank you all, the viewers. You have been with me every step of the way, and I'm so blessed to have shared this journey with you all. Thank you so much, you all are my greatest treasure!
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