As the week comes to a close, I was looking at what I had left to do, and realized that I likely wouldn't be able to use my time effectively. I've had issues with procrastinating in the past, and although that's in part to poor planning, I still want to ensure that isn't the case for this project. In any case, I have developed a full schedule from now until this project's due date to make sure I finish the components of the project on time. Take a look!
There are some things here that may seem a bit questionable. For example, I put that I should start looking into having access to an answering machine next week. Although it may seem weird, I want to utilize it as one of the major props in my film opening, yet answering machines aren't exactly a common item. This is why I want to begin looking for one as soon as possible. I'll share more details in the post about my script, which will be up next week! Moving into March, I gave myself almost the entirety of the week of March 4th to the 10th for securing actors. Some of my peers told me that I allotted myself too much time, but I want to ensure that I will have actors during my filming days by having strong plans. I feel as though giving myself less time for an actor search will make plans more flimsy and liable to fall through.
It isn't set in stone, but I am around 90% sure that I won't like the natural sound of my film opening, meaning that I'll want to utilize some sound effects. Although there are many free sound libraries, I think that some sounds will sound best if they are homemade, which is why I gave myself quite a bit of time halfway during March to make some foley sounds. During the last weeks of March, I made sure to include that I'd show the film to my peers to get their opinion on the project. I have done this in the past and they've given me good feedback, so I want to make sure I can do so again! Lastly, I gave myself some time for developing a title of the film. I don't just want to put up some text in a boring font, I want my film title and credits to stand out! I don't have the specifics yet, but I know I want to get creative with them, which is why I gave myself a couple days to work them out.
This schedule will help me immensely. It'll allow me to hold myself to a deadline so that work gets done on time. With my future planning done, I can now create a script and storyboard next week!
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